Membership Fees - 2025
When you register to play for Croydon Ranges Hockey Club, you need to complete two steps. Both steps have fees associated with them.
To be eligible to play you must register and pay with both:
Hockey Victoria: By selecting the appropriate Hockey Victoria membership type
Croydon Ranges Hockey Club: By selecting an appropriate membership type, for the age group and competition you wish to play in (Winter, Indoor, Summer)
FEES PART 1 - Hockey Victoria Membership:
All players, officials and volunteers who hold a position must register for Hockey Victoria membership prior to commencing any training or pre-season events to ensure that you are covered by insurance which runs annually from 1 January to 31 December. No player can take the field until registered.
HV Individual Membership Fees options (prices are for 2025)
Adult Outdoor Playing Membership $141.50
19 years of age and overJunior Outdoor Playing Membership $112.00
18 years and underJunior program fee (Hookin2 Hockey): $59.00
Senior flexible 5 game membership: $77.50
Non-Playing Membership $0
FEES PART 2 - Croydon Ranges Hockey Club Membership:
All players must pay their Croydon Ranges Hockey Club membership fees before Round 1.
Failure to meet payment deadlines will deem you ineligible to play.
If you need help with your registration, speak with your Section Coordinator.
Customised Fees and Payment Plans
Fees are discounted for healthcare card holders, siblings, coaches and committee members as per the fee policy - here.
Please email treasurer@croydonrangeshc.org.au for any requests for custom fees or payment plans.
In 2025 your fees will be going to: